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Maui County


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Officers were elected and 2024 resolutions passed. Click to see photos of all the action.

Complete texts of all resolutions.

Platform of the Democratic Party of Hawaii & County Bylaws

Listing of all officers and their duties. 

Resources and Information

Maui County Committee

The following officers were elected on April 20, 2024 for a one-year term expiring at the 2025 convention. Per the By-Laws, the Maui County Committee may fill vacancies in the following manner: "the County Chair may fill the office with an eligible Party member to serve until the next County Convention, provided that a majority of the Maui County Committee ratifies the appointment at the next regular or special meeting of the Maui County Committee."


  • Jared Sam Agtunong, Chairperson

  • Joycelyn Victorino, Vice Chair of Government Relations

  • Linda Puppolo, Treasurer

District Chairs as of March 6, 2024, expiring at the next District Biennials in 2026:


  • John Simpliciano, House District 9 Chair

  • Mikey Victorino Jr., House District 10 Chair

  • Michael Wildberger, House District 11 Chair

  • Yuki Lei Sugimura, House District 12 Chair

  • Shay Chan Hodges, House District 13 Chair

  • Cameron Dexter, House District 14 Chair 

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State Central Committee Representatives elected in 2024, with term expiring at 2026 Maui County Convention:


  • Judith Michaels, Non-Male Maui County Representative

Mail: PO Box 2041, Honolulu, HI 96805

© 2023 by Democratic Party of Hawaii, Maui County Executive Committee.

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